Joe Maddon Checking In From Spring Training In His Shag Wagon




Joe cool just marching to the beat of his own drummer. Love that he rocks this van and an RV in the offseason. Kind of crazy to think in another universe this team could still be managed by Ricky Renteria. Nice guy, no doubt, but no Joe Maddon. Gotta keep the boys loose and it starts from top.



By the way, a lot of people have asked me if I’m scared of all the Cubs hype and the answer is simple, I’m TERRIFIED. I think people outside of Chicago mistake our excitement for this team as overconfidence or cockiness. I didn’t make the USA Today projections, I’m not the guy creating the Vegas odds, I’m just so pumped for what should be a terrific year. So yes, the hype scares the shit out of me, any Cubs fan will tell you as much fun as this team should be, in the back of our head there is a little voice that is whispering “it’s still the Cubs”. It’s just that voice gets softer and softer with every piece added and the success of last year’s team, but it’s there. Injuries can happen, luck can bounce the other way, a million things need to fall into place, no one disputes that. Just because the media picks us doesn’t mean we think this is somehow going to be easy or a cake walk. If breaking a century old championship drought was easy, the Cubs would have done it every year.

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